The initiative will include a bespoke package of financial and business support for inbound businesses

A new soft-landing programme, known as KQ Base, has been launched today with the aim of de-risking inward investment for those companies looking to expand their business presence to the UK market for the first time.

Designed with global businesses at its heart, KQ Base will help companies to establish a strong business presence in Liverpool City Region and set-up home within Knowledge Quarter Liverpool’s (KQ Liverpool) world-leading innovation district, via the provision of a bespoke package of financial support and business resources.

While the world may be currently in a state of change, Liverpool and the City Region are well positioned to adapt quickly and push forward with positivity into the future, making it a substantiated destination in which to invest, work and live.

The region’s talent base is also a major asset, with in excess of 6 million people living within a 1-hour commute and an unrivalled talent pool of 70,000 students enrolled with KQ Liverpool’s university partners.

Colin Sinclair, CEO of KQ Liverpool, said: “Liverpool is a city of opportunity, empowered by its global connectivity, world-class knowledge assets and thriving innovation district.

“Taking advantage of the unrivalled business and financial support provided through KQ Base will enable businesses to scale at pace and immerse themselves in KQ Liverpool’s collaborative environment, alongside some of the world’s most influential players in science, health, technology, culture and education.”

The KQ Base soft-landing package will alleviate many relocation unknowns, by providing businesses with a six month period of financial incentives when taking workspace within KQ Liverpool, at Liverpool Science Park or Sensor City, as well as with a tailor-made support package including free business advice, professional guidance and local market insight.

The expert support will be delivered by nine leading financial, legal, marketing and skills providers including DLA Piper, Growth Platform, RSM UK, Western Union, Agent Academy, Agent Marketing, Downtown in Business, Active Profile and the Local Growth Hub.

These specialist KQ Base advisory partners will provide incoming businesses with a wide range of tailored support, including a dedicated account manager, recruitment support, free consultations and workshops, access to online resources and software, and promotional opportunities at local events.

To express your interest or find out more about how the KQ Base programme can work for your business, please visit:

KQ Liverpool is a world-leading innovation district, spanning more than half of Liverpool City Centre, and works to link up like-minded cultural and commercial organisations, academics, clinicians and scientists, to promote the world-class innovation that exists within Liverpool City Region.

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