The increasing convergence of digital, physical and biological assets – known globally as Industry 4.0 or ‘the fourth industrial revolution’ – is creating unprecedented opportunities for UK manufacturing businesses and supply chains to optimise productivity and competitiveness.
Industry 4.0 technologies such as sensors, the Industrial Internet of Things, virtual reality and simulation, are transforming modern manufacturing by enabling the generation and analysis of digital data that supports the development of smarter products, smarter processes and smarter supply chains.
LCR 4.0
LCR 4.0 is a UK manufacturing first that aims to put the Liverpool City Region at the heart of an evolution which is set to transform production in the modern world economy.
Part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), LCR 4.0 creates a collaborative community that connects SMEs to expertise and support from key knowledge assets in the region.
A dedicated LCR 4.0 team helps SMEs explore the potential of Industry 4.0 technologies by providing support ranging from research and development, knowledge transfer and the acceleration of ideas from concept through to commercialisation.
LCR 4.0 will:
- Deliver fully subsidised support to over 300 SMEs in the Liverpool City Region
- Enable collaborations between 200 businesses and partners
- Support 70 new product development cases across a number of firms
- Create 60 new jobs in supported businesses
- Create a virtual workspace for the LCR manufacturing community
Sensor City
Sensor City is one of six LCR 4.0 delivery partners.
We have a brilliant team of five, who are based within Sensor City and are busy working on a number of assists for local SMEs.
Our team comprises of:
- Dr Magomed Muradov, LCR 4.0 Industrial Software Specialist
- David Copley, LCR 4.0 Industrial Systems Specialist
- Jaime Mora, LCR 4.0 Mechanical Design Technologist
- Samina Faisal, LCR 4.0 Project Manager at Sensor City
- Elizabeth Beattie, LCR 4.0 Marketing Manager at Sensor City
Find out more about the team’s skills and expertise here.
Sign up today
For more information about how LCR 4.0 can help your business to unleash the potential of Industry 4.0, visit or call us on 0151 705 6000.